Unparalleled Success

Pregnancy success rates with egg donation are significantly better than pregnancy rates in IVF cycles using a woman's own eggs.

National statistics tell us that in the present decade there will be a 61% increase in females aged 38-45 years. Female fertility potential usually takes a tremendous dive around the age of 40 despite the medical advances in modern fertility treatment.

The national statistics of the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) points out two extremely important facts; first, pregnancy rates at age 40 or over, for IVF and GIFT, have exhibited no appreciable improvement over the last several years. Second, take home baby rate with ovum donation and egg donor success rates have been steadily increasing and is significantly higher.

Egg Donation Success Rates

The San Diego Fertility Center egg donation program has experienced clinical pregnancy rates of 70-80% per embryo transfer of two blastocyst embryos. Approximately 70-75% are single baby pregnancies, and 25-30% are twin pregnancies. These success rates are significantly better than pregnancy rates in IVF cycles using a woman's own eggs.

We are proud of our IVF success rates at SDFC. We report our success in terms of pregnancies and live births per transfer. Because protocols are constantly changing and improving, we believe that the live birth rate per transfer most accurately reflects the current performance of a program.

Please note: A comparison of clinic egg donor success rates may not be meaningful because patient medical characteristics, treatment approaches, and entry criteria for ART may vary from clinic to clinic.
